SQUAMISH: first outdoor climbing trip

It was only 2 months ago I started getting stoked on climbing outside.  I did enjoy it before, but I was never so excited that I couldn’t wait to go back.  Well, I caught the outdoor rock climbing bug when I started projecting Sit Down Traverse and now I’m hooked!

My beta sister Ju and I went on our first climbing trip in Squamish, Canada! I just got back from the trip and it was AMAZING! Up until now, I had only climbed at Lincoln Woods and Pway so this was a whole new world.  There was SO much bouldering in a close space, which meant easy to get around, and the guidebooks are AMAZINGGGG.  Way better than Mountain Project.  Pictures, diagrams, maps, even telling you if it’s a sit start, crimps, sloper, safe to do on your own, etc.

The climbs were fun but it was more fun meeting international climbers from all over the world.  Squamish was such a destination spot so everyday we were meeting new people.  We tagged onto a few groups of people from Seattle who kindly showed us a bunch of new cool climbs! Weather was perfect- it was about 60ish outside and the forest gave us cover so it was actually nice and cool the whole time!

I learned for climbing trips I should either do 3 full days and leave, or 5 or 6 days with a rest day in between.  I had an awkward time of 4.5 days of climbing which meant I never wanted to have a full day of rest because I wanted to maximize time but then my finger strength was just not there by the end of those 4.5 days! Still fun.

Ju is a great beta sister for me because we have similar build and height and we are about the same level of ability.  She’s more dynamic and I try to do everything static so we help each other out on different types of styles.  We also love ASIAN FOOODSSSSS so that’s always a bonus.  HAhaaa.

I was really proud of a sick sloper problem I did, because well, SLOPERS ARE HARD and I would never say they are my strengths.  I knew I am a very static crimper but did not think I could do a sloper V5.  It was pretty energy zapping and lots of fast twitch movements so I thought it was a great project for me to send!

For all the cool videos we took, go to the SAG YouTube Channel

Can’t wait to go back!



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